. For the manufacture of poles, we use the northern pine harvested in the winter period in the area above the 60º north latitude. Raw materials for the production of wooden poles for power transmission lines are provided to FWIP LLC from the North-West region, namely from the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Kostroma, Leningrad regions, and the Komi Republic. Only high-quality raw materials come to debarking and surface finishing.
Production technology
Compliance with technology is one of the main requirements that we raise for our production. The technological process of manufacturing wooden impregnated poles for power transmission and communications lines consists of several stages, each is extremely important for the product quality.

Selected poles enter the debarking process, during which the bark and the upper layer of bast (2-3 mm) are removed from the workpiece, after which the pole becomes clean and smooth. After debarking, the poles are classified, re-inspected to determine the hidden defects of wood and mechanical damages. Further on, the pole is sized down, the required technological holes are drilled.

Before impregnation, the wood is dried to an equilibrium moisture content of no more than 25%. Only after this requirement is met, the poles can be impregnated to the full depth of the sapwood. The drying process is completely automated and is carried out in drying chambers. Some of the poles are dried naturally. Through natural drying during the three summer months, the moisture content of the wood is reduced to the required 25%.