Power transmission line poles manufactured by FWIP LLC represent a high quality product, which is similar to the products of Scandinavian manufacturers - the world leaders in this industry. Modern wooden poles of power transmission lines are widely used abroad, and have passed the test of time proving their high performance.
Power transmission line poles
Power transmission line poles manufactured by FWIP LLC represent a high quality product, which is similar to the products of Scandinavian manufacturers - the world leaders in this industry. Modern wooden poles of power transmission lines are widely used abroad, and have passed the test of time proving their high performance.
In Latvia and Canada, wooden poles are employed for one hundred years or more. Wooden poles are mostly used in the territory from Finland with its severe northern climate to Greece with its warm climate, while reinforced concrete poles do not come into extensive use. Moreover, reinforced concrete poles are not employed in Finland at all, even in 110 kV lines. Also, CCA (chromium, copper, arsenic) antiseptic impregnated poles are implemented even in North and South America, Australia, and Africa.
A distinctive feature of the products by FWIP LLC is a properly treated surface and maximally full-cell pressure impregnation with the CCA (chromium, copper, arsenic) antiseptic.
Compliance with technology is one of the main requirements that we raise for our production. The technological process of manufacturing wooden impregnated poles for power transmission and communications lines consists of several stages, each is extremely important for the product quality.
In this section, you can find the dimensions of the most commonly used standard sizes of parts of poles for power transmission and communications lines. At the request of the customer, the pole parts can be produced to individual dimensions, when manufacturing complex composite structures.
These technical specifications apply to wooden parts of poles for power transmission lines (PTL) with a voltage of 0.4 to 110 kV impregnated with water-soluble antiseptics of the CCA type (based on the oxides of chromium, copper, and arsenic).